Urban Leadership

Scaledenmark operates as a platform of urban quality consultants providing first-hand knowledge of Copenhagen’s rise to becoming a world-renowned hub for sustainable, value-based, people-centered design solutions at various scales. We offer customized architectural tours, lectures, and design consultancy to professionals seeking holistic planning models within sustainable urban development.

We provide our clients with proven design interventions and methodologies that have emerged to advance quality of life and livability in our cities. Our tours and lectures are communicated in the philosophy of “edutainment” - a creative mix of education and entertainment – to visualize abstract ideas and share design solutions through the shared experience of built reality. combine sustainable thinking, social factors and the local context; a recipe that could be adopted anywhere in the world.

Client Network

Our clients and collaborators include design firms, developers, universities and institutional organizations, municipalities, city administrators and policy makers, and private groups interested in Nordic models in sustainable masterplanning, architecture, and design. through experiencing built reality.

Guiding Architects

Scaledenmark is a member of Guiding Architects, an international network for architectural guided tours by professionals. Our trained architects or urban planners offer lectures, tours and workshops in German, English, French, Spanish or Danish/Scandinavian.


Scaledenmark enables you to explore Copenhagens, Malmös and Bornholms design and architecture scene, discovering new ways of thinking sustainability. We offer both full & half day customized tours and also lectures: Tours - Exploring Copenhagen (half days), Tours - Exploring Bornholm (full days only), Malmö (full or half days), Aarhus (full days only), Lectures are held at BLOXHUB/BLOX www.bloxhub.org

  • Full day tour for max 25 pax (max 8 hours) is 1.950€ + 25% VAT
  • Half day tour for max 25 pax (max 4 hours) is 1.250€ + 25% VAT
  • Lectures (45 min + 15 min. Q&A) is 750€ + 25% VAT

Discounts on arrangements for longer periods than two days are possible and student groups are offered a 20 % discount on request. Transportation by foot, bicycle, Metro, S-train, bus, water bus or own rented canalboat. All prices exclude charges for: entrance fees, transport, insurance, accommodation, meals etc. However, we have long-term good relations with bus company, hotels, restaurants and tour operators. We are happy to help you get in contact with these or other service providers.

Note that we also provide customized tours in the second largest Danish city, Aarhus. The price of these tours includes the usual fee.

Conditions of payment

Full payment the latest 1 month before the tour
We don’t offer money back but are happy to postpone the tour to a later date if needed


Scaledenmark can under no circumstances be responsible for any inconveniences due to COVID-19 restrictions.


Scaledenmark are not responsible for individuals safety on bicycle tours. Helmets is an option but not mandatory in Denmark.